Drama/Tech Curriculum
In-depth learning creating real-world experience.

Drama Curriculum
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Description: Drama 1 focuses on theater games, stage and screen performance technique, script analysis, and theater history to build confidence, to learn theater fundamentals, and to build community. Students will also gain a practical understanding of stage terminology and explore writing and directing for the stage. This course is recommended for students with previous theater training and those new to the discipline.
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 (MUST Complete Drama 1)
Course Description: This course is a continuation of Drama 1 and will prepare students in all phases of acting techniques for stage and film, as well as directing and writing. Instruction emphasizes formalized performance techniques, and students are exposed to a variety of performance styles and genres, from classical to contemporary theater. Through play readings, theater games, and scene-work, students will continue to increase their awareness of voice and diction, characterization, script study, and movement while gaining confidence and learning how to mount projects
in production teams.
Grade Level: 11, 12 (APPLICATION ONLY)
Course Description: Drama 3 emphasizes the refinement of the student’s performance, directing, and writing skills. Students will build upon previous skills developed in Drama 1 and Drama 2 and apply them to extracurricular performance opportunities and competitions. This course places Drama students in positions of department leadership and prepares them for collegiate and professional theater and film endeavors.

Tech Curriculum
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Description: Technical Theater covers design basics of set, props, costumes, make-up, lights, sound, stage management, box office, house management and Technical Theater careers. In addition to design projects and assignments, students receive hands-on experience as a member of the design, building, and running crews for the theater productions. Students may also serve as crews for outside performances and assemblies. This course serves as a hands-on lab and project-based program giving the students real world experience in the elements of Technical Theater. This class will work to give the skills necessary for employment in the Technical Theater profession.
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Description: Advanced Technical Theater is designed for dedicated students that want to continue their education in the technical side of theater arts. Students will be able to build upon skills learned in Technical Theatre 1. Students will be able to pursue their passion of becoming designers and leaders in the technical theater world. The focus of this class involves the development of design skills in multiple areas of theatrical design. Using the skills learned in previous theater classes the students will advance their skills in costume design and construction, lighting design, sound design, makeup design, and sets and props design and construction. Students could be involved in the construction of sets and props for outside theater companies. Participants will gain an appreciation of theater by attending and reviewing theatrical productions in the community.
Play Production (Semester)
Course Description: Play Production is a project/performance-based course that culminates in a two-weekend performance of a licensed and fully staged and designed production before an audience. In this course, students will be assigned specific duties (based on audition and crew applications) as cast and crew members and will learn designated aspects of theater production including: script analysis, staging, character interpretation, performance technique, production etiquette, design development and execution, and stage management. Students will meet deadlines related to production timelines and rehearsal schedules, collaborate on all aspects of production, and perform in and crew for the entire production's run.
This semester-long course will typically highlight a non-musical play in the fall (performance in the small theater) and a musical in the spring (performance in the auditorium). Shows will be selected to provide variety in style, genre, and degree of difficulty, so that students who participate in the course are exposed to a range of stories and experience diverse production challenges.