Drama Curriculum
Drama courses focus on beginning through advanced performance technique across multiple genres and eras of theater. Students will engage daily in lessons that include voice, movement, character and scene-work fundamentals and will learn performance techniques that bring about confident auditions and quality performances.

Jonathan is that amazing favorite teacher from high school that lifted you up. Supported you. Heard you. Made you feel seen.
Mr Westerberg has created a sanctuary where the students can do it all. Learn. Laugh. Cry. Perform. Be themselves. Come together to build, not just friendships, but relationships that survive four years of high school.
Igniting passion through performance
Drama students will engage in challenging scene and monologue units designed to help them perform both comedic and dramatic material across contemporary and classical genres. These units are designed to help students hone technical aspects of performance while developing a toolbelt of techniques that will help them emotionally connect to a variety of different characters and circumstances.
The curriculum consists of performance-based projects that include writing, directing, designing, and producing for live audiences. Through collaboration and risk-taking, students learn to work with a team and to plan ahead to meet real-world deadlines.
Students in the drama program will be challenged and encouraged to take risks. Those who embrace this environment will be rewarded for making bold choices. The drama program teaches life skills and encourages students to have fun while meeting standards of excellence. Each year students build on their knowledge, expanding their skills in new areas.

Play Production Class
Stepping into the spotlight
Twice a year, students can audition/apply to participate in a high-quality, fully staged and designed production before an audience. (Each 1 semester, 5 credits)
Cast & crew will be assigned specific duties that include script analysis, staging, character interpretation, performance technique, production etiquette, design development and execution, technical execution, and stage management.
Students will meet deadlines related to production timelines and rehearsal schedules, collaborate on all aspects of production, and perform in and crew for the entire production's run.